Seasonal Content

Some content is only accessible on certain days of the year. However, this is based on local time, meaning that adjusting the date on the computer's clock will make that content accessible.

As long as it's the correct date then upon launching the game the seasonal content will be present. Even if the date changes, as long as the current session is not closed then that content will remain in the game.

As of the 2023 beta forwards, Halloween and Christmas will run for the week of the event rather than the specific date, allowing more time to experience the event.

April Fools

April 1st

Originally added for April 1st, 2015 as an April Fools joke but was removed.

Re-added as a seasonal feature starting for April Fools 2020 with the new betas. Public beta branches all include him. A full guide on his character loadout can be found here.

Cannot be played on daily challenges, and is restricted from weeklies.

On NTT: Using the command '/gml race_set_active(13,1)' will give access to Big Dog.


October 31st

Halloween will have each level start out with a wolf howl. Smoke effects as seen in Sewers will now be an effect over every area.

Halloween Bandits may spawn in addition to normal Bandits. They share the exact same mechanics as Bandits, just with a different appearance.


December 25th

Christmas will add the snow effect normally seen in the Frozen City applied over every area.

There is no Yeti

The Yeti is an extremely obscure piece of Throne media due to its extreme spawn conditions.

There is a 1 in 1,000 chance the Yeti will take the place of a normal enemy's spawn every time a Frozen City level is entered during Christmas season.

The yeti will only burrow out of the ground upon feeling 'safe'. Safety conditions include if it's not too close to the player or their cursor on-screen. It also needs to be out of line of sight, but will actually spawn on-screen.

The Yeti cannot harm or be damaged by the player. It will re-burrow as quickly as it appeared.


These weapons have been removed from the drop pool and thus can no longer be used in a normal run. They all still exist in the game and are eligible for weekly starts. They can also be save edited into the proto chest to find in a normal run. (confirm later)

On NTT any of the weapons can be started with using the '/cwep' or '/bwep' commands using their names detailed below.

Weapon Ammo Type Versions Description

Party Gun

Explosive Added:
Update 46

Temporarily added to celebrate Throne's first anniversary after its initial Steam release.

A very weak weapon that does 4 damage to enemies. It has poor accuracy and will leave a trail of confetti behind. Killing an enemy with the Party Gun will have confetti explode everywhere as a celebratory noise is played.

Despite appearing as an explosive weapon it cannot harm the player, nor does it actually use any ammo. In other words, its only effect is on ammo pickup rates.

Update 47

Ion Cannon

Energy Added:
Update 10

Removed with the patch notes "You will not be missed."

A weapon that has a visual effect of shooting energy into the air from the weapon and then 'air-strike' plasma explosions onto the location of the cursor. This will rain down 10 plasma explosions in quick succession.

Each projectile does 10 damage each hurt animation up to two different times for a total of 20 damage. This weapon is automatic, so it can be held down to continually create airstrikes. It costs 6 energy ammo per shot, and it can hit enemies from behind walls.

The Ion Canon uses the same projectile as the Devastator, that being plasma explosions. Laser Brain makes plasma explosions go slower but this will NOT effect Ion Cannon due to how the weapon works.

Update 93

Sentry Gun

Bullet Added:
Update 3

Removed with the patch notes "Disabled the Sentry Gun for now, we're sorry, but it's terrible."

A weapon that will shoot a smaller sentry gun out of it that will remain stationary. It will fire at any enemy within its line of sight, even if the player retreats behind a wall.

Sentry Gun costs 24 ammo which it will use, each projectile shot out will do a normal 3 projectile damage each. After it shoots 24 bullets it will simply disappear.

Each sentry gun has 10 HP and can be destroyed before consuming its ammo, though enemies will only ever target the player. Uniquely they will also take one damage from enemy corpse knockback, taking two damage with Impact Wrists.

Despite being a bullet weapon Recycle Gland will NOT work with Sentry Gun, likely having to do with the fact that its not being directly shot from the player.

Sentry Guns will not shoot props though can damage them. A run that only uses Sentry Gun (such as on a weekly) is actually impossible as they will not shoot at the Throne. On a run with Crown of Love this can actually create a softlock, depending on the character.

Update 46


None Added: Update 99

Not a removed weapon but rather an obscure one. This is a placeholder weapon simply used for debugging.

Uniquely this weapon cannot be fired and thus is unusable. It can be thrown by Chicken for normal throwing damage but has no use in a run outside of this.

It can similarly be used in a vanilla run using save editing/weeklies as it exists within vanilla NT's code as well.


None N/A

Not spawnable in NTT normally, but will appear if attempting to spawn any weapon ID above 127.

Similar to Eggplant it does not have any function if used in game.

Unlike every normal weapon, this one does not have a weapon HUD sprite and if held it will display nothing at all.

Other Secrets/Deleted Content

Coming soon to a wasteland near you!