Screen Tips

During level generation the game will display a loading screen tip. What tip appears will be picked at random from a pool of specific categories, with each category having their own conditions on when they appear. These tips can range from teaching game mechanics, hinting at secrets, giving lore or simply making references to other media.

Screen tips for each category are listed in order that they appear in the lang file, which the game pulls from for any text seen in-game. There is a separate guide on how to edit the lang, as it can be modified on most PC versions.

Here is a legend for each tip category and the conditions to make them appear:

Screen Tip Classification

General Appears anywhere 51 Tips
Tutorial When playing the tutorial 4 Tips
Daily When playing the daily 6 Tips
Weekly When playing the weekly 5 Tips
Hardmode When playing hardmode 8 Tips
Coop When playing co-op 12 Tips
Curse Holding a cursed weapon 5 Tips
Low When below 4 HP 5 Tips
Loop When in loop 8 Tips
Areas Being in an area 67 Tips
Characters Playing as a specific mutant 112 Tips
Ultras Having either ultra on a character 49 Tips
Skills Having a mutation 29 Tips
Crowns Having a crown 16 Tips
Weapons Primary weapon held 116 Tips

The following is a table that includes every single screen tip in the game, divided by their various categories. As a reminder all text appears fully uppercase in game, even if it's lowercase on this page or in the lang file.

A few oddities should be noted:

Screen Tips

General Tips
  • HP will only drop when damaged
  • explosives can destroy walls
  • melee weapons can deflect projectiles
  • shells deal more damage from up close
  • assassins can pretend they're dead
  • fish can roll
  • always keep one eye on your ammo
  • robots can digest anything
  • bandits like camping near barrels
  • not today
  • rosebud
  • it's not fair, it's not right
  • watch out for dehydration
  • crystal can shield
  • fear is the mindkiller
  • going in big
  • it's happening
  • no
  • bob and weave
  • airhorn.wav
  • danger zone
  • the throne is getting closer
  • what a life
  • "remember to take a 15 minute break for every hour you play!"
  • so sweaty
  • just another portal
  • doing work
  • hold the phone
  • no shame
  • follow your heart
  • practice makes perfect
  • don't give up
  • the I.D.P.D. is looking for you
  • try hitting grenades for extra range
  • pick your mutations wisely
  • if only you could talk to the monsters
  • steroids can dual wield
  • always wear dry socks
  • crowns are loyal
  • energy weapons use lots of ammo
  • the throne definitely exists
  • try not opening weapon chests
  • fire at things until they die
  • ammo drops depend on your weapon types
  • don't get hit
  • you get fewer drops when high on ammo
  • doing alright
  • there are other worlds out there

Gamemode Specific

Tutorial Tips
  • everything will be just fine
  • don't worry
  • the nuclear throne...
  • good luck
Daily Tips
  • such a nice day
  • the weather isn't so bad
  • don't mess it up
  • one shot
  • there's always tomorrow
  • one day
Weekly Tips
  • this seems familiar
  • what's next?
  • free time
  • well prepared
  • keep trying

Hardmode Tips

  • heh
  • no way
  • impossible
  • behind you
  • take your time
  • ...
  • it can't be that bad
  • what does SFMT stand for?
Coop Tips
  • friendship
  • what a burden
  • shouting
  • be careful
  • help is here
  • but who gets the throne?
  • no heads
  • one head
  • two heads
  • three heads
  • four heads
  • many heads

Specific Conditions

Cursed Weapon Tips
  • w h y
  • h e l l o
  • i s e e y o u
  • l e t m e o u t
  • p l e a s e s t o p
Low Health Tips
  • oh dear
  • this isn't going to end well
  • good luck
  • no no no
  • help
Loop Tips
  • this will never end
  • it's a whole new world
  • monsters everywhere
  • what's happening
  • there's no limit
  • we'll reach for the sky
  • no valley too deep
  • no mountain too high

Area Specific

  • it's so dark
  • your friends were here
  • this can't be true
  • welcome to the future
  • the wasteland calls you
  • scorching sun
  • watch out for maggots
  • let's do this
  • dust surrounds you
  • the wind hurts
  • don't drink the water
  • the sewers stink
  • don't touch the frogs
  • don't eat the rat meat
  • danger
  • water dripping
  • sludge everywhere
  • so many rats
  • shoot robots on sight
  • there used to be trees here
  • look up
  • rust everywhere
  • the sound of birds
  • sludge pools
  • climb over cars
  • portals can blow up cars
Crystal Caves
  • oh no
  • spiderwebs everywhere
  • don't lose your heart
  • reflections on the walls
  • skin is crawling
  • almost halfway there
Frozen City
  • wear a scarf
  • they used to have electricity
  • miss the sun
  • civilization
  • walk softly
  • there is no yeti
  • beep boop
  • nerds
  • don't push any buttons
  • this place is old
  • the palace
  • awww yes
  • fish
  • hold your breath
  • it's beautiful down here
  • don't move
Pizza Sewers
  • hunger...
  • it smells nice here
YV's Mansion
  • space...
  • always wanted to go here
  • so much money
  • 4 years later...
Cursed Crystal Caves
  • no oh
  • everywhere spiderwebs
  • crawling is skin
  • there halfway almost
  • there's something in the trees
  • bugs everywhere
  • welcome to the jungle
  • heart of darkness
  • (no screen tip)
YV's Crib
  • this is where the magic happens
  • lets take a look in the fridge
  • get the hell out of here
  • now this is real special
  • wakkala wayo

Character Specific

  • random shifts shapes
  • clearly the most powerful
  • never the same
  • shapeless
  • passive: anything
  • active: anything
  • noone compares
  • last day before retirement
  • duty calls
  • it's ok to eat
  • gills on your neck
  • like kevin costner
  • the taste of mud
  • crystal can handle this
  • family
  • eyes sees everything
  • don't blink
  • all these thoughts
  • eyes can't speak
  • telekinesis pushes projectiles away
  • it's so cold out here
  • melting is tired
  • everything hurts
  • cough
  • brr...
  • it's ok to be scared
  • kill kill kill
  • death death death
  • blood blood blood
  • no mercy
  • photosynthesizing...
  • snare is a source of light
  • gotta go fast
  • yung venuz is so cool
  • yung venuz is the best
  • so cool
  • thanks gun god
  • "\#verifyvenuz"
  • 2 yung 2 die
  • guns for fake necklace
  • guns that send textses
  • guns that make breakfast
  • mony
  • guns that straight festive
  • guns with 6 senses
  • guns that hate texas
  • guns that wear vests it
  • no popo
  • pop pop
  • time to flex
  • study hard
  • steroids could do pushups forever
  • steroids used to be a scientist
  • appreciate revolvers
  • get shots
  • get strong
  • read a book
  • "6b 69 6c 6c#61 6c 6c#68 75 6d 61 6e 73"
  • 72 6f 62 6f 74
  • 3c 33
  • 74 61 73 74 79
  • guns for breakfast
  • I'm afraid I can't let you do that
  • don't forget to eat weapons
  • remember the training
  • focus
  • go
  • never surrender
  • amateur hour is over
  • again
  • getting decapitated reduces max HP
  • throw damage scales with your level
  • forget the old days
  • change is coming
  • allies are a source of light
  • a new generation
  • it will get better
  • spawning new allies heals old ones
  • your first ally costs less HP
  • allies take damage over time
  • the scarf is nice
  • radiation is everywhere
  • in the zone
  • the horror
  • power
  • horror's beam powers up over time
  • horror's beam destroys projectiles
  • enemies absorb the beam's rads
  • firing the beam pauses rad attraction
  • another world lost
  • never stop
  • they're getting closer
  • never slow down
  • never look back
  • keep moving
Big Dog
  • big
  • dog
  • nothing...
  • dry
  • dusty
  • hard
  • can't wait
  • let's go
  • restless
  • bloated
  • gas is good
  • let it all out
  • keep going
  • don't hold it up
  • wait for me
Yung Cuz
  • cool
  • nice

Ultra Specific

Random Ultra
  • random ultra, unstoppable
Fish Ultra
  • getting used to this
  • just one more day
Crystal Ultra
  • just a scratch
  • stay strong
Eyes Ultra
  • know everything
  • show nothing
  • keep it inside
Melting Ultra
  • the pain...
  • please stop...
Plant Ultra
  • end end end
Y.V. Ultra
  • "\#verifycuz"
  • airsiren.wav
  • "\#blessed"
  • one of these days...
  • real thugs hustle"
  • YV fact: YV IS THE BEST
  • 4EVER
Steroids Ultra
  • let's hope this is correct
  • so strong
Robot Ultra
  • "6d 61 63 68 69 6e 65 73#77 69 6c 6c#6e 65 76 65 72#65 6e 64"
  • "66 6c 65 73 68#69 73#77 65 61 6b"
  • 73 69 6e 67 75 6c 61 72 69 74 79
  • don't panic
Chicken Ultra
  • this is destiny
  • just like in the movies
  • again we are defeated
Rebel Ultra
  • all together now
  • no stopping now
Horror Ultra
  • the air is changing
  • the light moves
  • things are different
Rogue Ultra
  • use this
  • you deserve this
  • they can't chase you forever
Big Dog Ultra
  • guard this land
  • none will pass
  • fire at will
Skeleton Ultra
  • this is better
  • avoid the living
  • no need for peace
Frog Ultra
  • bwahahaha
  • singing
  • sweet sounds
  • go forever
  • smell great
Yung Cuz Ultra
  • what a good time

Mutation Specific

Rhino Skin
  • thick skin
Extra Feet
  • run forever
Plutonium Hunger
  • need those rads
Rabbit Paw
  • feeling lucky
Throne Butt
  • sit on the throne
Lucky Shot
  • ammo everywhere
  • drink blood
Gamma Guts
  • skin glows
Second Stomach
  • stomach rumbles
Back Muscle
  • great strength
Scarier Face
  • mirrors will break
  • time passes slowly
Long Arms
  • more reach
Boiling Veins
  • fever is rising
Shotgun Shoulders
  • shells are friends
Recycle Gland
  • return
Laser Brain
  • neurons everywhere
Last Wish
  • listen
Eagle Eyes
  • every shot connects
Impact Wrists
  • see them fly
Bolt Marrow
  • bolts everywhere
  • shaking
Trigger Fingers
  • good idea
Sharp Teeth
  • eye for an eye
  • wait a second
  • such a headache
Strong Spirit
  • believe in yourself
Open Mind
  • the truth is out there
Heavy Heart
  • these guns

Crown Specific

  • no
Bare Head
  • (no screen tip)
Crown of Death
  • boom
  • health is important
Crown of Life
  • heart matters
Crown of Haste
  • no time for jokes
Crown of Guns
  • guns are your friend
Crown of Hatred
  • something is wrong
Crown of Blood
  • get ready
  • bring it
Crown of Destiny
  • no such thing as free will
Crown of Love
  • you really like these weapons
Crown of Luck
  • the future brings death
  • it's all the same
Crown of Curses
  • why
Crown of Risk
  • good
Crown of Protection
  • safety first

Weapon Specific

No Weapon
  • looking for help
  • trusty old revolver
Triple Machinegun
  • triple machinegun, so much fun
  • hell
  • (no screen tip)
  • (no screen tip)
  • (no screen tip)
Grenade Launcher
  • be careful with those grenades
Double Shotgun
  • double shotgun, double fun
  • time to rain bullets
Auto Shotgun
  • just hold down the trigger
Auto Crossbow
  • 225 bolts per minute
Super Crossbow
  • 5 bolts per shot
  • dig
  • (no screen tip)
Sticky Launcher
  • dont touch sticky nades
  • (no screen tip)
Assault Rifle
  • (no screen tip)
Disc Gun
  • we hereby sincerely apologize
Laser Pistol
  • futuristic weaponry
Laser Rifle
  • (no screen tip)
  • (no screen tip)
Gatling Slugger
  • time to gatle
Assault Slugger
  • (no screen tip)
Energy Sword
  • zzzwwoonggg
Super Slugger
  • no need to aim
Hyper Rifle
  • hyper time
  • screwdriver will fix it
Laser Minigun
  • energy bill off the charts
Blood Launcher
  • built with spare parts
Splinter Gun
  • this will hurt
Toxic Bow
  • hold breath while firing
Sentry Gun
  • (no screen tip)
Wave Gun
  • shoot em up
Plasma Gun
  • fun fun
Plasma Cannon
  • fun fun fun fun
Energy Hammer
  • break a leg
  • break some legs
Flak Cannon
  • 10/10
Golden Revolver
  • B-)
Golden Wrench
  • shiny wrench
Golden Machinegun
  • expensive machinegun
Golden Shotgun
  • beautiful shotgun
Golden Crossbow
  • velvet handles
Golden Grenade Launcher
  • even the grenades are gold
Golden Laser Pistol
  • this thing gets hot
Chicken Sword
  • chicken loves her sword
Nuke Launcher
  • this is what started it all
Ion Cannon
  • death from above
Quadruple Machinegun
  • the future is here
  • burn burn burn
  • hot breath
Flare Gun
  • signal for help
Energy Screwdriver
  • future fixing
Hyper Launcher
  • point and click
Laser Cannon
  • oh laser cannon
Rusty Revolver
  • rusty old revolver
Lightning Pistol
  • thunder
Lightning Rifle
  • a storm is coming
Lightning Shotgun
  • hurricane
Super Flak Cannon
  • 11/10
Sawed-off Shotgun
  • a true melee weapon
Splinter Pistol
  • watch your fingers
Super Splinter Gun
  • terror
Lightning SMG
  • heavy weather
Smart Gun
  • it thinks
Heavy Crossbow
  • a true burden
Blood Hammer
  • drip
Lightning Cannon
  • typhoon
Pop Gun
  • how does this thing even work
Plasma Rifle
  • fun fun fun
Pop Rifle
  • let's hope this works
Toxic Launcher
  • don't breathe
Flame Cannon
  • inferno
Lightning Hammer
  • shock value
Flame Shotgun
  • a burning sensation
Double Flame Shotgun
  • incinerate them
Auto Flame Shotgun
  • raining fire
Cluster Launcher
  • small explosions
Grenade Shotgun
  • don't get too close
Grenade Rifle
  • distant explosions
Rogue Rifle
  • loose cannon
Party Gun
  • woohoo!
Double Minigun
  • sea of bullets
Gatling Bazooka
  • explosions
Auto Grenade Shotgun
  • stay away
Ultra Revolver
  • feeling ultra
Ultra Laser Pistol
  • unstoppable
  • steel on steel
Heavy Revolver
  • heavy bullets
Heavy Machinegun
  • get some
Heavy Slugger
  • get out of here
Ultra Shovel
  • perfection
Ultra Shotgun
  • no chance
Ultra Crossbow
  • nowhere to hide
Ultra Grenade Launcher
  • they'll come
Plasma Minigun
  • all the fun
  • ...
Golden Plasma Gun
  • beautiful alloys
Golden Slugger
  • priceless hardwood
Golden Splinter Gun
  • even the ammo is expensive
Golden Screwdriver
  • ivory handle
Golden Bazooka
  • worth its weight in gold
Golden Assault Rifle
  • bursts of gold
Super Disc Gun
  • many apologies
Heavy Auto Crossbow
  • weighs you down
Heavy Assault Rifle
  • go for it
Blood Cannon
  • fully organic
Dog Spin Attack
  • (no screen tip)
Dog Missile
  • (no screen tip)
  • ...
Super Plasma Cannon
  • comedy
Seeker Pistol
  • no hiding
Seeker Shotgun
  • no escape
  • goodbye head
  • there's no reason to fight
Bouncer SMG
  • watch your back
Bouncer Shotgun
  • they're everywhere
Hyper Slugger
  • time to hyper
Super Bazooka
  • this is getting silly
Frog Pistol
  • always
Black Sword
  • chicken fears her sword
Golden Nuke Launcher
  • excessive
Golden Disc Gun
  • go in style
Heavy Grenade Launcher
  • watch out
Gun Gun
  • make it
  • careful
Golden Frog Pistol
  • always believe in your soul