Versions Introduction

Nuclear Throne's early access cycle featured weekly updates starting in October 2013 and ending on Update 96 in December 2015. Most versions now rest on either some variation of update 98 (February 2016) or update 99 (November 2017).

Since 2020 there have been a series of public beta branches on Steam and they are still in active development. These are labeled as u99r2 as the update is focused on bugfixes rather than any sort of content changes. The most notable additions include 60 FPS and widescreen. There is currently no confirmation if u99r2 will be added to any non-Steam versions.

Nuclear Throne can be obtained on 5 PC platforms: Steam,, Epic Games Store, GOG and Windows Xbox App. Console platforms include Playstation 4, PS Vita, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One. There are also two versions that were obtained in the past; a direct Humble Bundle download and the limited edition Indiebox download.

Nuclear Throne Together(NTT) has a separate page here and is heavily referenced in this page.

Support for various versions include:

Table of Contents

Versions - Steam

Accessing any beta version in the game is easy:

Nuclear Throne will then update to the selected version.

Adding multiple branches/NTT to your Steam library (Windows)

Having multiple branches or NTT on your Steam Library is a simple matter as well.

To add v9940/v9944 to your Nuclear Throne files:

  1. Have the desired version of NTT already installed.
  2. Navigate to your Steam Library and select 'Add a Game' from the left bottom of the screen and select 'Add a Non-Steam Game'.
  3. This will open a pop-up that will show many applications, ignore these and select the 'Browse' button.
  4. Navigate to or paste "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Nuclear Throne" into the search bar.
    • (If NTT is being used in a different folder, navigate to there instead)
  5. Select the NuclearThroneTogether application which will add it to the Steam pop-up screen from earlier and have it pre-selected.
  6. Click the 'Add Selected Programs' and it will now be in your Steam library.

To add any Steam branch(including NTT v100) to your folders:

  1. Opt-in to the desired beta branch following the image above.
  2. Navigate to your directory at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Nuclear Throne" without quotations through file explorer. Can also be reached following the image below.
  3. Copy all of the files and create a new folder in an easy to find location, pasting all those folders in.
  4. Navigate to your Steam Library and select 'Add a Game' from the left bottom of the screen and select 'Add a Non-Steam Game'.
  5. This will open a pop-up that will show many applications, ignore these and select the 'Browse' button.
  6. Navigate to the new folder made, and select the nuclearthrone application in there. This will add it to the Steam pop-up screen from earlier and have it pre-selected.
  7. Click the 'Add Selected Programs' and it will now be in your Steam library.
  8. On the original Nuclear Throne version you can now opt back into any other version you want, as the additional branch can launch separately based on that backup folder.

Right-clicking a branch from the library and selecting 'Properties' will allow for the renaming of the program if so desired. Custom logo/background can be added for any game in your Steam library by simply right clicking the banner while having the game selected.

Alternative way to access local files:

The following table is a list of all the versions accessible through Steam. Order is of general relevance rather than the order of the beta participation menu. The format is 'u' for update, 'b' for the beta branch, and 's' to signify it's the Steam version.

There is a known bug on all betas where the vsync toggle will toggle itself back on, even if it appears to be off.

Main Versions - Includes Dailies, Weeklies and Achievements

Version Beta Name Release date Notes/Known Issues
u99r1 None (Default) November 6th, 2017
  • The current stable version of Nuclear Throne
  • Compatible with v9940 of NTT
  • Bug related to Good Riddance present (link later)
u99r2b10s openbeta 2021 August 15th, 2021
  • Includes 60 FPS
  • Includes playable Big Dog (April Fools)
  • Includes Frog & Skeleton on stats screen
  • Weekly bug: Hovering over loadout will crash game(just hit Enter button to start the run)
u99r2b15s openbeta_win64 (2023) December 18th, 2023
  • New mechanics menu(under 'Game' in settings)
  • FPS options for 30, 60, and 120
  • Aspect ratio for 4:3, 1:1, and 16:9
  • Additional custom FPS/aspect ratio options
  • Rad attract behaviors including modern, fast and classic
  • Steam name+avatar on menu/loading screens
  • Bug where golden screwdrivers will be the only weapon that spawns in YV's Mansion chest
u99r2b3s modbranch_2021 March 31st, 2020
  • Version meant for running the v9944 NTT beta, for the sake of modding
  • Bug related to van contact damage present
  • Re-added as a beta branch on August 15th, 2021

NTT - opted in through Steam, no external installation needed

v100.017 ntt_development December 7th, 2023
  • Latest version of NTT beta, only accessible through Steam
  • First ntt_development branch was released on June 16th, 2022
  • Includes all changes also present in the latest 2023 beta, including the Mansion bug

Older Versions

u19 mods March 8th, 2014
  • Last update that was compatible for modding by conventional means (Pre-NTT modding all took place on this)
u0 Nostalgia October 11th, 2013
  • The original release of Nuclear Throne for nostalgic purposes
u78 ideaot June 21st, 2015
  • A build that was temporarily added but never got removed

Other Versions

Aside from Steam there are many other versions that NT is on officially. These all vary differently from one another and are all locked to their specific versions. Documentation will vary heavily based on version popularity and accessibility.

Console Versions

Name Version Release Date Notes/Known Issues
Xbox One u99r2b11xb September 9th, 2021
  • Only console version to include 60 FPS option
  • Does not have daily/weekly challenges
  • Includes achievements - 'Not Bad' is unobtainable
  • Has gamertag + avatar on menu & loading screens
Nintendo Switch u99r2switch March 20th, 2019
  • A modified early beta branch, putting it around ~u99r2b1
  • Includes daily/weekly challenges, but no achievements
  • A build slightly updated past u99r1, but no notable content changes
  • Common bug where Throne 2 may stop attacking, which will no longer generate ammo causing softlock potential
Playstation 4 v1.01 December 5th, 2015
  • Most likely an updated version of u98 - updated on August 25th, 2016
  • Can also be played from PS5
  • Includes daily/weekly challenges and trophies (achievements)
  • Known bug where softlocks can occur in vaults
Playstation Vita Unknown December 5th, 2015
  • Includes daily/weekly challenges and trophies (achievements)
  • Notorious for being the worst available version of Nuclear Throne - there are many bugs and performance issues; version has very little documentation

Other PC Versions (No dailies or achievements)

Epic Games Store u99r1 November 7th, 2019
  • Initially launched as free for a short time
  • macOS version is seemingly a later version, needs confirmation u98 December 5th, 2015
  • Last updated March 30th, 2016 to u98
GOG u99r1 December 5th, 2015
  • Last updated November 7th/8th, 2019 to u99r1
Windows Xbox App u99r2b11 September 9th, 2021
  • Same as the Xbox One version but without achievements
  • Only PC version that is not compatible with NTT

"Retired" Versions (Cannot be directly purchased in present day)

Humble Bundle Unknown Unknown
  • Most likely an updated version of u98 - Updated on August 15th, 2016
  • Nuclear Throne through the Humble store in present day will provide just a Steam version, which is different.
Indiebox Unknown January/February 2016
  • Limited edition collectors version that was sold in 2016, and stock exhausted in Oct 2020
  • Likely somewhere between versions u97 and u98 based on release window

Update History

Nuclear Throne featured weekly content updates for a two year period throughout its early access. This page will serve as a link hub to every update with a brief summary of main content changes.

Update 0 October 11th, 2013
  • The initial launch of Nuclear Throne into early access on Steam..
Update 1 October 20th, 2013 Weekend of October 18th
  • Ambience noises
  • Mutation screen update
  • More detailed mutation icons
  • New Weapons: Toxic Bow & Splinter Gun
Update 2 October 28th, 2013 Weekend of October 25th
  • Options screen
  • Gamepad support
  • Makeshift pause screen
Update 3 November 2nd, 2013 Weekend of November 1st
  • New B-Skin: Plant
  • Additional mutation icons
  • New Weapons: Wave Gun, Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon
  • Sentry Gun (unfinished, was later removed)
Update 4 November 9th, 2013 Weekend of November 8th
  • Vault Statues
  • New secret area: Crown Vaults
  • New mutation: Impact Wrists
  • New enemy: IDPD Grunts
Update 5 November 16th, 2013 The Frozen City
  • New Area: Frozen City, featuring two new enemies (likely Snowbots and Snowtanks)
  • New weapons: Energy Hammer, Flak Cannon, Chainsaw (later Jackhammer)
  • New mutation: Crossbow Lungs (renamed to Bolt Marrow in u7)
Update 6 November 23rd, 2013 Smooth animations
  • Music for Frozen City & Crown Vault
  • New boss: Lil' Hunter
  • New character & enemy walk animations
Update 7 November 30th, 2013 Chicken, Crowns, Gold & Much More
  • New character: Chicken, who can slow down time (changed in u76) and can become headless
  • Usable crowns
  • New weapons: Golden weapons, spawning in loop
  • New B-Skin: Eyes
  • Screen tips for weapons
  • New enemy: Mimics
Update 8 December 7th, 2013 Add a little bass to that shotgun & a nuke to the arsenal.
  • All mutations have icons
  • More weapon and enemy sounds
  • New weapon: Nuke Launcher
  • Detailed Thronebutt descriptions
  • Lil Hunter intro
Update 9 December 15th, 2013 Corpes Everywhere
  • Corpse sprites for mutants and enemies
  • Swapping weapon noises
  • Sounds for opening chests and picking up weapons
Update 10 December 21st, 2013 Voice of a Generation
  • Voice lines for most characters
  • Character select idle animations
  • Low ammo/HP sounds
  • New weapon: Ion Cannon (later removed)
Update 11 January 11th, 2014 Getting back into the habit
  • Sounds for Chicken & Y.V., as well as Lil Hunter
  • New weapon: Quadruple Machinegun
Update 12 January 18th, 2014 Revolution
  • New character: Rebel, who spawns protective blood explosions when hit (later changed) and spawn allies.
  • Character unlock conditions
  • New weapons: Flamethrower, and other flame weapons
  • Mutation sound effects and hud icons
Update 13 January 25th, 2014 We'll fix you right up
  • Wall sliding fix
  • Screen tips for crowns and mutations
  • Frozen City music B-Theme
Update 14 February 1st, 2014 Mystery Arrives
  • New secret area: Venuz (later YV's Mansion)
  • New enemy: Robot Wolves
  • New weapon: Energy Screwdriver
  • Rebel spawning allies will heal other allies
  • Rebel passive updated to spawn bullets upon being hit, including when spawning allies (later changed)
  • Different loading portals for certain areas
Update 15 February 8th, 2014 Horrible Experiments
  • New area: The Labs
  • New B-Skins: Crystal & Melting
  • New Crown: Crown of Hatred (changed to Crown of Love in u16)
  • New Weapon: Hyper Launcher
Update 16 February 15th, 2014 Fifty Weapons & High Level Chests
  • All mutations have sounds
  • Crown of Hatred rebranded to Crown of Love
  • New version of Crown of Hatred
  • New weapon: Laser Cannon
  • New chests, likely Proto and Cursed chests
Update 17 February 22nd, 2014 Vault Security
  • New enemy: Crown Guardians (removed in u79)
  • New mutation: Stress
  • New secret area: Pizza Sewers (unlisted in patch notes)
Update 18 March 1st, 2014 Small list, Big changes
  • Character selection animations when selected
  • Unique boss themes
  • New enemies: IDPD Inspectors and Shielders
  • New weapon: Lightning Pistol
Update 19 March 8th, 2014 Thunder in my Heart
  • New weapons: Lightning Rifle & Lightning Shotgun
  • Spider web slowing
Update 20 April 1st, 2014 A New Direction
  • FPS mode (April Fools)
Update 21 April 9th, 2014 Second Start
  • Mac and Linux support
  • Game now runs on Gamemaker Studio
Update 22 April 13th, 2014 Friendship
  • Local Co-op
Update 23 April 19th, 2014 Back to old-school action
  • New Weapon: Super Flak Cannon
Update 24 April 26th, 2014 Can you hear me?
  • Many new audio updates through GMS's new audio engine
  • Rebel voice lines
  • New mutations: Sharp Teeth & Racing Mind (later renamed Trigger Fingers)
Update 25 May 3rd, 2014 Getting closer to the Nuclear Throne
  • New area: The Palace
  • New weapons: Sawed-off Shotgun, Splinter Pistol & Super Splinter Gun
Update 26 May 10th, 2014 The Guardians
  • New enemies: Ghost Guardians (removed in u37) and Explo Guardians
  • Tips for looping & low HP
  • New weapon: Lightning SMG
Update 27 May 18th, 2014 Fiery Scraps
  • New enemy: Fire Salamander
  • Info on menu displaying new content
Update 28 May 25th, 2014 Interdimensional Chests
  • Mutations are shown on game over screen
  • IDPD Chests
Update 29 May 31st, 2014 Guns that Think
  • New weapons: Smart Gun, Heavy Crossbow, Blood Hammer
  • HUD outlines for gold and cursed weapons
Update 30 June 7th, 2014 Look at that Ally Animation!
  • Updated ally spawning animation
  • New weapon: Lightning Cannon
  • Boss health scaling in loop
Update 31 June 15th, 2014 The tiniest update
  • Toggable gamepad controls
Update 32 June 22nd, 2014 Tiny Explosions
  • New crown: Crown of Explosions (later Crown of Death)
  • New weapons: Plasma Rifle, Pop Gun
  • Crown of Life removed
Update 33 June 28th, 2014 Just A Nuclear Throne Update
  • New Boss: The Nuclear Throne
Update 34 July 5th, 2014 The Horror! The Horror!
  • New character: Horror, who can shoot radiation
  • New crown: Crown of Choice (later replaced by Crown of Risk)
    • "Allows you to take only one weapon through each portal, but always spawns you right next to a free chest or radiation canister."
  • New weapon: Pop Rifle
  • New enemy: Hostile Horror (unlisted in patch notes)
Update 35 July 12th, 2014 Shiny guns and fancy Thrones
  • Art overhaul
  • Progression map on death
  • New weapon: Toxic Launcher
Update 36 July 20th, 2014 The Fire In My Heart
  • New weapon: Flame Cannon
Update 37 July 27th, 2014 If you say Balance over and over again it doesn't sound like a word anymore
  • Ghost Guardians removed
  • New enemy: Dog Guardians
  • Major art overhaul to The Throne
Update 38 August 2nd, 2014 No Mountain Too High
  • New weapon: Lightning Hammer
Update 39 August 10th, 2014 Quality Time
  • New Boss: Throne II
  • New B-Skin: Rebel
Update 40 August 20th, 2014 Shells of Fire
  • New weapons: three flame shotgun types
Update 41 & 42 September 4th, 2014 Heavy Load
  • New mutation: Patience
  • Palace B-Theme music
  • New B-Skin: Horror
  • Throne 2 intro animation
  • Updated proto statues into their modern version
Update 43 September 9th, 2014 Bugs and Balancing and all the beautiful stuff games are made from
  • No new content - all balances
Update 44 September 20th, 2014 Small Grenades
  • New weapons: Grenade Rifle, Grenade Shotgun & Cluster Launcher
Update 45 October 4th, 2014 The Rogue Update
  • New character: Rogue, who can call in Rogue Strikes (later Portal Strikes) and blast armor.
  • Portal Canisters
Update 46 October 12th, 2014 Happy Birthday Nuclear Throne
  • Temporary additions to celebrate Throne's anniversary including Cake prop replacing campfire and Party Gun weapon
  • New weapons: Auto Grenade Shotgun, Double Minigun, Gatling Bazooka
  • New music for Throne II and defeating bosses
Update 47 October 19th, 2014 Week of Sound
  • Major sound effect update
Update 48 October 27th, 2014 The same level over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again
  • Seeded runs for players
  • Sounds for Horror
Update 49 November 2nd, 2014 The Distant Future
  • New Boss: Mom
  • Ultra Mutations
Update 50 November 9th, 2014 Cleaning up!
  • No new content - all balances
Update 51 November 17th, 2014 The Tired Update
  • New weapons: Heavy Revolver, Heavy Machinegun
  • Ultra weapons introduced: Ultra Revolver and Ultra Laser Pistol
  • Sledgehammer rebranded to Wrench
  • New Sledgehammer weapon
Update 52 November 23rd, 2014 Craters & Flames
  • Additional Ultra Mutations
  • New weapon: Heavy Slugger
Update 53 November 29th, 2014 Ultra Fixes
  • New weapons: Ultra Shotgun, Ultra Shovel
Update 54 December 9th, 2014 Sweet Sounds Of The Future
  • 3D sound effects
  • New boss: Hyper Crystal
Update 55 December 16th, 2014 I can't believe it's Daily Runs!
  • Daily challenges
Update 56 December 20th, 2014 Portals and bolts
  • New Weapon: Ultra Crossbow
Update 57 December 25th, 2014 Mutant holidays and a happy new year!
  • New weapon: Ultra Grenade Launcher
Update 58 January 4th, 2015 Highly Experimental Mutations
  • New mutations: Hammerhead and Strong Spirit
Update 59 January 10th, 2015 Little bit of balancing
  • New weapon: Plasma Minigun
  • Ultra mutation icon art
Update 60 January 25th, 2015 The Gun Update
  • Higher tier golden weapons, including Golden Slugger, Golden Assault Rifle, Golden Plasma Gun, Golden Screwdriver, Golden Splinter Gun, and Golden Bazooka.
  • New weapon: Devastator
  • Finished icons for all ultra mutations
Update 61 February 1st, 2015 Taking out the Trash
  • Lil Hunter rework
  • Enemy HP scaling in loop
  • New weapon: Super Disc Gun
Update 62 February 7th, 2015 Terribly Special Effects
  • Visual mutation effects on characters
  • Bolt projectile trails
  • Character/mutation icon updates
Update 63 February 21st, 2015 Free Crowns
  • Crown start on runs
  • New mutation: Open Mind
  • Racing Mind renamed to Trigger Fingers
  • Shotgun Fingers renamed to Shotgun Shoulders
Update 64 March 2nd, 2015 Maintenance Week
  • Close range damage boost for shell weapons
  • New weapon: Heavy Auto Crossbow
  • Loop boss scaling: multiple Big Bandits
Update 65 March 21st, 2015 Warming Up
  • Improved title screen logo
  • New weapon: Heavy Assault Rifle
  • Loop boss scaling: Big Dog missiles shooting bullets and faster Lil Hunter spawns
Update 66 March 29th, 2015 Yung Update
  • New weapon: Blood Cannon
April Fools Update April 1st, 2015
  • Playable Big Dog temporarily added (April Fools)
Update 67 April 5th, 2015 What dog?
  • Mutation icon art updated
  • Color coded text for many different in-game text
Update 68 April 12th, 2015 The Long Overhaul
  • New character select screen
Update 69 April 19th, 2015 Four assassins
  • New weapons: Incinerator & Super Plasma Cannon
  • Enemies in loop can now spawn in clusters
  • Cursed weapons can be swapped with each other
Update 70 April 27th, 2015 Bolt Variety
  • New weapons: Seeker Pistol, Seeker Shotgun
Update 71 May 3rd, 2015 Literally a million tiny things
  • No new content - all balances
Update 72 May 9th, 2015 The Beautiful Update
  • New character select art
Update 73 May 17th, 2015 Shielder shields shield Shielders
  • Weapon sound overhaul
  • Starter weapon art update
Update 74 May 24th, 2015 Revival Time!
  • New boss: Technomancer
  • Necromancer rework
Update 75 May 31st, 2015 Golden Age
  • Updated game over screen
  • Character select loadout includes starting weapon and B-Skins
  • Golden weapons stay unlocked even if the weapon is left behind
Update 76 June 8th, 2015 Fasten your seatbelts
  • Chicken active rework to throw weapons instead of slow down time
  • Reworked Chicken ultras and Thronebutt
  • Golden weapons are saved on level transitions
  • Massive crown overhauls
Update 77 June 14th, 2015 This is not the update in which we add Jungle
  • New secret area: The Jungle
  • New weapon: Eraser
  • Game over screen overhaul
Update 78 June 21st, 2015 That's the sound of the beast!
  • Lil Hunter rework
  • Sound effects for Mom
  • Updated loading screen
  • New crown: Crown of Curses
  • New enemy: Turrets
  • New weapon: Guitar (unlisted in patch notes)
Update 79 June 28th, 2015 Crown Mess
  • Updated crown vault system
    • Crowns are grouped into groups of 4 across the three vaults, each vault having a different group (later changed to groupings of 6 between preloop & loop)
  • New crowns: Crown of Protection and Crown of Luck
Update 80 July 5th, 2015 Bear with us
  • Main menu overhaul
Update 81 July 11th, 2015 We just really want weekend right now
  • Crown selection sounds
  • New weapons: Bouncer Shotgun & Bouncer SMG
  • Crowns are divided between preloop and loop
Update 82 July 19th, 2015 Crystal Party!
  • The Throne fight rework
  • Crystal active and Thronebutt rework
  • Portal level transition art update
Update 83 July 25th, 2015 Ultra Update
  • Boss intro screen rework
  • Updated mutation screen visuals
  • New enemies: Elite Grunts, Elite Inspectors and Elite Shielders
  • New weapon: Hyper Slugger
  • Pause screen rework
  • Co-op temporarily broken (until u90)
  • Likely update Skeleton was added
Update 84 August 2nd, 2015 Daily Updates
  • In-game leaderboard for dailies
  • Hyper Crystal rework and loop scaling
Update 85 August 9th, 2015 Secret Update
  • No new content - all balances
Update 86 August 16th, 2015 Meta Update
  • Hardmode
  • Updated daily leaderboards
  • Main menu sounds
  • New weapon: Super Bazooka
  • Character unlock rework
  • Unlock All button temporarily added
  • Text popups upon unlocks
Update 87 August 22nd, 2015 Efficiency
  • Tutorial
  • Hyper Crystal and Technomancer music themes
  • Stats screen update
  • Crowns now need to be unlocked
  • New enemy: Vans
  • New secret area: IDPD HQ
  • New boss: Captain
  • Likely update that Frog was added
Update 88 August 31st, 2015 Tweak Tweak, Fix Fix
  • New enemy: Buff Gator
Update 89 September 5th, 2015 Looping
  • Tweaks to Throne II and Technomancer fights
  • Enemies and props are now restricted to specific areas in loop
Update 90 September 13th, 2015 Grab a Friend!
  • Co-op revival mechanics
  • Co-op ultras: Blood Bond and Gun Bond
Update 91 September 21st, 2015 The Beginning Of The End
  • Large generators props on 7-3
  • Throne sitting and end cutscene
  • Sprites for selected crowns to follow around players
Update 92 September 27th, 2015 The Beginning Of The End Part II
  • Ending for defeating Captain
  • End credits
  • B-Skin unlock conditions added
  • Updated/New B-Skins for Fish, Plant and Rogue
Update 93 October 11th, 2015 Happy Birthday, Nuclear Throne!
  • Completed voicelines for all characters
  • Unlock All button removed, new save file system
  • Loop streaks on stats
  • Many new sounds for mutaitons, ultras and loop bosses
  • Crown icons
  • Rogue overhaul and ultra change (Resourceful is now Super Portal Strike)
  • New enemies: Golden Snowtank and Lightning Crystal
Update 94 October 16th, 2015 Weeklies!
  • Weekly challenges
  • New settings for crosshairs and sideart
  • New enemy: IDPD Freaks
  • New B-Skin: Chicken
  • Many new sounds and colored shadows
  • Many changes to ultra mutations
Update 95 November 17th, 2015 Shiny Throne
  • Audio Balancing
  • Control Remapping
  • All 44 achievements added
Update 96 December 5th, 2015 The Real Deal
  • Official release of Nuclear Throne
  • Trading Cards & Emotes
Update 97 December 15th, 2015 Clouds and Tweaks
  • Steam Cloud
  • Enemy HP scaling tweaked
Update 98 February 21st, 2016 Thronebutt
  • Integration of Thronebutt for daily/weekly leaderboards
Update 99 November 6th, 2017 Update 99
  • More consistent seeding for areas, weapons and mutations
  • More consistent safe spawning
  • Borderless fullscreen for Windows
  • Native cursor to remove mouse lag
  • Mouselock option
  • Localization support
  • Same character co-op now supported

Beta Updates

NTT creator YellowAfterLife was brought on board by Vlambeer to help develop Update 99. After its release he's continued to work on beta branches, which are often worked on alongside NTT updates. All information regarding branches was information taken from the NT Discord, where every new build would be mentioned in the bugreports channel. Currently there is no confirmation regarding the official release date on u99r2, nor what platforms they will be on.

As above this list is a summary of content changes. Each beta branch has a multitude of bug fixes, searching up 'new build' in the bugreports channel will lead to most patch notes for each branch.

Version Date Major Notable Changes
Branch 1 March 27th, 2020
  • Nuclear Throne now runs on GMS2, improved audio
  • Switch version shares a similar build
Branch 2 March 30th, 2020
  • Current version is also displayed on pause/game over
Branch 3 March 31st, 2020
  • Version used for modbranch 2021 for NTT v9944 compatibility
Branch 4 June 7th, 2021
  • Branch changed from 2020 beta to 2021 beta
  • Skeleton with Crown of Destiny now works
  • Skeleton's Blood Gamble no longer uses rads for ultra weapons
  • Grenades on the same team will no longer set each other off, meaning less chain explosions
Branch 5 June 16th, 2021
  • Fixes
Branch 6 June 17th, 2021
  • Flame pellet weapons(Incinerator & Flame Shotgun variants) now deal the proper amount of damage point blank
    • (Exact update unknown, just first mentioned after b6 released)
Branch 7 August 5th, 2021
  • Game updated to GameMaker Studio 2.3
  • 60 FPS option introduced
  • Co-op Hardmode support added
Branch 8 August 6th, 2021
  • Fixes
Branch 9 August 15th, 2021
  • Fixes
Branch 10 August 15th, 2021
  • Current build for 2021 openbeta
  • Skeleton and Frog included in the stats menu
    • (Exact update unknown, just pointed out after b10 released)
Branch 11 August 19th, 2021 (dev branch)
September 9th, 2021 (xbox)
  • Build not publicly released on Steam, used for Xbox & Xbox Windows app
  • Introduces avatar and gamertag on main menu/level loading (also present in following Steam branches)
Branch 12 July 16th, 2023
  • First public branch of 2023 beta
  • Includes many mechanics from the ntt_development(v100) build
  • New settings menu 'Mechanics', can be accessed from the 'Games' under settings
  • Toggle for FPS now includes 120 FPS
  • Toggle for aspect ratios - on top of normal 4:3 now includes 1:1 and 16:9
  • Toggle for rad attract behavior - includes modern, fast and classic
  • Extra menu for custom FPS and aspect ratio
Branch 13 December 7th, 2023
  • Aspect ratio now cannot be changed during dailies/weeklies, locked to 4:3
  • Frog's gas can now start Throne 1/Captain fights
  • Cars, flowers, rad cans and manholes will no longer spawn on top of other things
Branch 14 December 20th, 2023
  • Control menu overhaul
  • Much better gamepad support, including 360-degree movement
Branch 15 December 28th, 2023
  • Adding additional tips to existing categories supported for lang file
Branch 16 July 21st, 2024
  • The current build for the 2023 beta
  • Stats completion percentage can exceed 100% for Frog and Skeleton unlocks
  • Controller button sprites for Steam Deck inputs added