Lang File Introduction

The language file (lang) is a file in which all text in NT is referenced and thus can be freedly edited by the player.

In order to edit the text, these steps must be followed:

  1. Make sure Nuclear Throne Together is installed correctly. (Follow the 'readme' file)
  2. Once installed it will include a file called 'lang-example', which includes all the text seen in-game.
  3. Open lang-example with any text editor program and make any changes as desired, using the guide below.
  4. Once finished, save the file as simply 'lang', NOT 'lang-example'. The example file is meant to be the placeholder in case anything goes wrong.
  5. NT can now be loaded with the new edits in place. Make sure to create a save backup.

Lang edits are incredibly easy to modify following those simple steps, and thus are the most common edits that players make to vanilla NT. If wanting to use it in NTT run the command '/loadloc lang' and it will use the same file.

Lang File Editing

The lang file is split up into categories defined by text within brackets. Any text in the lang file can be edited, however only things AFTER the = (equal sign) should be modified as that is the text that appears in game - everything before is classification that directs the game on when to display.

Text can be highlighted with certain colors. Start the desired text with @ then a letter from below to change its color. @s is often used to 'end' the highlight there, but really just resets the color to the default used(Silver). Multiple colors can be used within the same line.

There are a few other non-text effects too which can be done. These may not work for every part of text editing, but definitely will for loading screen tips:

The (likely modified) 'Press Start' font is used by any text in-game, however it is a font that only supports base ASCII characters, so any text edits using other unicode will not appear in-game. Only 'Press Start 2P' font supports other unicode which is often used in fan projects, but not within NT itself.

Adding additional lines for more screen tips within categories will ONLY work in 2023 beta onwards. Trying to add it to older versions will not register the extra lines.
To add an additional tip simply make a line break, copy the line above pasting it on the new line, and increase its listed number by one.

Lang File Categories

Here are some the categories in the lang file that can be edited. Any of these can be quickly jumped to by going ctrl+f in the document and then pasting any category below, such as copying [Skills] to quickly jump to the mutations section. Categories are not in order of how they appear in the lang, and only ones especially relevant to editing are included.

Screen Tips Classifications

Here is a list of the requirements for each screen tip to appear in game and how many tips are assigned to each category by default:

Screen Tip Classification

General Appears anywhere 51 Tips
Tutorial When playing the tutorial 4 Tips
Daily When playing the daily 6 Tips
Weekly When playing the weekly 5 Tips
Hardmode When playing hardmode 8 Tips
Coop When playing co-op 12 Tips
Curse Holding a cursed weapon 5 Tips
Low When below 4 HP 5 Tips
Loop When in loop 8 Tips

Tip Groupings

Areas Being in a specific area 67 Tips
Races Playing as a specific mutant 112 Tips
Ultras Having either ultra on a character 49 Tips
Skills Having a mutation 29 Tips
Crowns Having a crown 16 Tips
Weapons Primary weapon held 116 Tips

Area # Area Name Tip Count Area # Secret Area Name Tip Count
Area:0 Campfire (Loop) 3 Tips Area:100 Vaults 1 Tip
Area:1 Desert 7 Tips Area:101 Oasis 4 Tips
Area:2 Sewers 8 Tips Area:102 Pizza Sewers 2 Tips
Area:3 Scrapyards 8 Tips Area:103 Y.V.'s Mansion 4 Tips
Area:4 Crystal Caves 6 Tips Area:104 Cursed Crystal Caves 4 Tips
Area:5 Frozen City 6 Tips Area:105 Jungle 4 Tips
Area:6 Labs 3 Tips Area:106 IDPD HQ 0 Tips
Area:7 Palace 2 Tips Area:107 Y.V.'s Crib 5 Tips

Race Mutant Mutant Tips Count Ultra Tips Count
Race 0 Random 7 Tips 1 Tip
Race 1 Fish 6 Tips 2 Tips
Race 2 Crystal 2 Tips 2 Tips
Race 3 Eyes 5 Tips 3 Tips
Race 4 Melting 6 Tips 2 Tips
Race 5 Plant 7 Tips 1 Tip
Race 6 Y.V. 16 Tips 9 Tips
Race 7 Steroids 8 Tips 2 Tips
Race 8 Robot 7 Tips 4 Tips
Race 9 Chicken 8 Tips 3 Tips
Race 10 Rebel 9 Tips 2 Tips
Race 11 Horror 8 Tips 3 Tips
Race 12 Rogue 6 Tips 3 Tips
Race 13 Big Dog (Playable) 2 Tips 3 Tips
Race 14 Skeleton 4 Tips 3 Tips
Race 15 Frog 9 Tips 5 Tips
Race 16 Cuz (Unused) 2 Tips 1 Tip