This website will use a lot of terminology that is common in the Throne community but may be confusing to people outside of it.

The lingo page is one of the most subjective pages on the website, the purpose of this page is to help those new in the community to understand what's being said on the website or when entering the community.

The table of contents is as follows;

Common Terminlogy
NT Nuclear Throne PB Personal Best
NTT Nuclear Throne Together
BB Big Bandit HC Hyper Crystal
T1 The Nuclear Throne T2 Throne 2
L# Loop #, like L1, L2 Preloop Also known as L0, the 0th loop
Mutation Abbreviations
EE Eagle Eyes LW Last Wish
LB Laser Brain TB Thronebutt
IGG Ima Gun God B2B Back 2 Bizniz
SPS Super Portal Strike SBA Super Blast Armor

Weapon Abbreviations
ushov Ultra Shovel ubow Ultra Crossbow
urev Ultra Revolver ugl Ultra Grenade Launcher
ushotty Ultra Shotgun ulp Ultra Laser Pistol
spc Super Plasma Cannon pc Plasma Cannon
sfc Super Flak Cannon sbow Super Crossbow
abow Auto Crossbow habow Heavy Auto Crossbow
devvy Devastator dmini Double Minigun
lham Lightning Hammer eham Energy Hammer
esword Energy Sword rr Rogue Rifle
ggl Golden Grenade Launcher gar Golden Assault Rifle
gwrench Golden Wrench gfp Golden Frog Pistol
Meta Terminlogy
Meta Gaming term that stands for 'most efficient tactical advantage', used for set naming that gives the most likely chances at success.
P7 / P8 / P9 Refers to a Perfect 7/8/9, which is the number of meta mutations in a set.
iframes Gaming term that's short for 'invincibility frames', which can help the player avoid taking too much damage at once but also can work in advantage to enemies. (link later)
Hotswapping Refers to quickly swapping a primary held weapon with one on the ground, and then swapping them back. This will reset weapon cooldowns, which is much faster for weapons that have a higher reload time.
allskills/grillskills Popular mods that remove any mutation rng by letting the player pick any mutation. Grillskills is the more commonly used choice, grilling referring to the 'I just want to grill' meme.
paw9/plutopaw/pawmach Popular mutation combinations into their naming; a perfect 9 with paw, plutonium hunger and rabbit paw, rabbit paw and second stomach
double damage A set that uses two damage mutations, commonly Scarier Face and Laser Brain, though could also include Plant's thronebutt. (All three would be triple damage)
Scout Those that contribute to the daily scouting sheet, they're scouting out sets for other players benefit.
Jungle Chaining