Survival Guide
Page Contents
There are many factors at play that makes survival in deeploop possible, and this page will brief over many of the shorter mechanics that do not need entirely dedicated pages for. (Include drop times somewhere)
Weapon Loadout
The focal point of survival can be viewed through weapons which will be the crux of the player's offense and defense.
The Ultra Shovel (ushov)
The first tool here is the ushov which does 30 damage and requires no ammo - just 14 rads in order to swing. While the damage itself is fairly respectable, the important factor is its reload time, being over twice as fast as a normal shovel. At half a second per swing and paired with Long Arms, Ultra Shovel has the reach and spread to knock away most enemy bullets while keeping the player completely safe.
The Super Plasma Cannon (SPC)
The other vital weapon here is the SPC, which is the weapon with the highest damage potential in the game. With that, of the normal weapons it also has the highest ammo cost and reload time in the game, requiring a few mutations to effectively use, most importantly being Trigger Fingers.
Crown of Blood (CoBlood)
The other tool used for efficiency is Crown of Blood, which can be picked up in any loop vault. It causes far more enemies to spawn at the exchange of having -1 rads drop per enemy, which is negligible. The main focus is having more enemies spawn, allowing for more effecient use of the meta weapons.
With these three combined together, the gist for deeploop is seen. CoBlood causes for more packed levels, in which SPC can fire into crowds, who will give a ton of rads and ammo drops. These will be used to fuel SPC to be fired multiple times (known as SPC spam), while ushov can be used to deflect all the projectiles and carve through swathes of nearby enemies, and cleaning up any smaller enemies that SPC ends. Both weapons compliment each other with one filling the screen with high-damaging projectiles to kill the bulk of enemies and bosses, while the other defends the player while cleaning up whatever is left.
(Expand into SPC spam & hotswapping)
Popo Freaks
Normal IDPD Appears in Loops 0-2 |
Elite IDPD Appears in Loops 1-2 |
Popo Freaks Appears in Loops 3 onwards |
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Starting in Loop 3 all IDPD will be replaced with Popo Freaks. These mutated enemies will share characteristics of both IDPD and normal enemies. (L3 0-1 will still have normal/elite IDPD)
Their attacks include doing 5 contact damage, shooting a large swathe of IDPD bullets that do 3 damage each, and upon death they have a chance of dropping blue grenades, that can do 8 damage each for a total of 16 damage.
Uniquely they will also pick the nearest corpse from where they died to revive themselves after 26.6 seconds pass from being killed, unless if the exit portal has opened for the level. As long as the level is ongoing they can infinitely revive.
They will drop 25 rads upon dying as well as a chance for 1 pickup.
The following table is the HP values for Popo Freaks. Ultra Shovel does 30 damage, so it can kill in one swing from L3 to L5 with Scarier Face, otherwise taking two hits. Starting from L21 normally/L31 with Face, they start taking three swings instead.
Loop: | L0 | L1 | L2 | L3 | L4 | L5 | L6 | L7 | L8 | L9 | L10 | L11 | L12 | L13 | L14 | L15 |
HP: | / | / | / | 35 | 36 | 38 | 39 | 41 | 42 | 44 | 45 | 47 | 48 | 50 | 51 | 53 |
Face: | / | / | / | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 40 | 41 | 42 |
Loop: | L16 | L17 | L18 | L19 | L20 | L21 | L22 | L23 | L24 | L25 | L26 | L27 | L28 | L29 | L30 | L31 |
HP: | 54 | 56 | 57 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 63 | 65 | 66 | 68 | 69 | 71 | 72 | 74 | 75 | 77 |
Face: | 43 | 44 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 |

- The Popo Freak attacking the player with a wide spread of bullets.
- Upon death it drops 25 rads, and this one happened to drop grenades as well.
- A brief animation plays over a corpse to revive the Popo Freak, giving a brief window of reaction time.

'Chain Killing' illustrated on the image on the right is a simple strategy to easily handle Popo Freaks once they take two swings to kill. While the first swing will not kill any Popo Freaks, the second swing will kill the ones in front while setting the ones in back to low HP, in which the player can quickly swing to kill them as well.
This is a fairly effective way to maintain high rad levels while minimizing risk to the player, and largely makes Popo Freaks a non-threat.
The number of Vans spawned will increase proportional to the number of loops, meaning that the number of loops will be the same as the number of Vans. They always follow the same logic of spawning in when anywhere from 20% to 80% of the current enemies in the level have been killed, but only if any Popo Freaks have been killed up to that point.
The main change of Vans in L3+ is they will instantly detonate upon coming to a stop. These create three IDPD explosions that hit for 8 damage twice for a total of 16 damage, and can stack. They will also spawn three Popo Freaks, however, they are no longer considered on the IDPD team so they will take damage from the explosions instantly. This stacks to 48 damage will will instantly kill them up to Loop 13 normally, or Loop 21 with Face, though will be low HP.
This means that every Van blown up will kill three Popo Freaks instantly that will drop 75 rads total with the chance of pickups.
(Van management and dmg here)
Invincibility frames are always granted to players and enemies upon taking damage, however some damage sources completely ignore iframes. It is far more common for player weapons to ignore iframes than it is for enemy attacks to - a full list of weapons that ignore iframes can be found here.
Specifically in meta, Ultra Shovel will respect enemy iframes in most cases. This can cause some situations in which the player swings at an enemy the moment after it takes lesser damage from another source and fails to get killed, which can sometimes lead to the player getting harmed. Common causes of this can be wall debris or corpse damage, and mutations like Impact Wrists or Sharp Teeth may be avoided as they cause iframes frequently while having a lower damage output.
Enemies that are particularly dangerous for surviving iframes are Snipers or Explo-Freaks, as if the player is pushing in their direction and misses the first swing, the second swing may cause them to take explosive damage. Assassins can also easily deal surprise damage if they 'slip' through a ushov swing while having iframes.
(Include bandits/dogs)
(To a lesser extent plasma explosions from SPC respect iframes, but is a non-issue for meta gameplay.)
(Enemy attacks here)
Explosions are a constant in deeploop, thus is important to understand the mechanics behind.
As explained on the weapons page, explosives deal consecutive damage in two separate instances. This means normal explosives caused by enemies/the player deals 5 damage twice for a total of 10 damage, while IDPD explosives from Vans/Popo Freaks do 8 damage twice for a total of 16 damage. It is possible for the player or enemies to avoid both instances of damage if they move in/out of the explosion radius at the exact right moment.
Explosives do not respect iframes, which means that taking damage from multiple explosions at once will always be deadly. The first exception to this is Boiling Veins which forces explosions to respect player iframes, meaning only one instance from one explosion can ever damage the player at a time while also giving full invulnerability at low HP. The other exception is Strong Spirit which will block all explosion damage if consumed for a few frames, however this is very brief.

When multiple explosions happen within proxmimity of each other they will push each other outwards to cover more area. This is easily noticable while using weapons such as Nuke Launcher or Super Bazooka, however this also goes for enemy explosions too. In deeploop this can become an issue due to the volume of Vans and Popo Freaks. The image to the right shows five IDPD grenades spawned right on top of each other, their explosion causes them to push outwards. The more nades there are, the more unpredictable they become.
Chain explosions is a term used for when explosions can proc other explosions to happen, otherwise chaining together. This commonly occurs when clearing Popo Freaks out as their grenades stack with each other, and especially when Vans spawn as their explosions can proc IDPD grenades.
On Non-Beta versions of the game chain explosions can occur, and in later loops the explosion radius can be so big the player can be killed from off-screen grenades. To work around this extra caution should be given during Van spawning phase, and not to underestimate the size of explosions if grenades start piling together.
On the openbetas (2021 & 2023 betas and NTT v100)
The full mechanics of each setting can be viewed here. This section will brief over any settings relevant to meta runs. Any of the following settings can be changed mid-run with the exception of changing FPS.
For Audio settings:
- It is recommended to keep sound audio on as there are many sound cues in the game, especially important for off-screen events such as Vans spawning, Throne 1's laser charge or Popo Freaks reviving.
- Music being on is up to player preference, though there is a slight advantage in having it on with immediately knowing when bosses die. Particularly useful for Big Bandits.
- 3D sounds is recommended to leave on as it gives directional audio which can be useful to discern which direction off-screen Vans are spawning from, and situationally can help track down off-screen bosses.
For Video settings:
- Screenshake is recommended to have off as it can be a distraction, especially with the amounts of chaos in later loops.
- Freezeframes can create artificial lag to give more 'impact' to each kills, which can be used in order to give the player more reaction time.
- Some players turn freezeframes up to 40% or 50% in particularly difficult, less laggy areas (Cave and Palace), while turning freezeframes down (closer to 20%) or off for other areas.
- Ultimately up to player preference - having them on can add time to a run, in exchange for more reaction time.
For Game settings:
- Boss intros are kept off by most players as they can be a distraction, and used to sometimes cause a Throne II crash on u98.
- Mouselock will keep the mouse in the game to prevent accidentally from clicking outside of the game. Up to player preference.
- On the 2023 update this was changed so mouselock only applies while the run is active, not during pause menu.
For sub-menu 'Mechanics' on 2023 beta/ntt_dev:
- Customizable framerate and resolution. Record tables require 30 FPS and 4:3, though some allow for 60 FPS runs.
- Rad attract is up to player preference, but will change how they behave.
- Classic: Acts like previous versions where they can get stuck on walls, and the player can avoid collecting rads by corner-hugging.
- Fast: Rads will no longer get stuck on walls at all.
- Modern: Rads can 'wiggle' around walls if they cannot reach the player while in range. The player can still hug walls to avoid collecting them.