Your Survival Guide to the Wastelands

Nuclear Throne can be a pretty unforgiving game. Where early hours are spent trial and error learning the characters, mutations and enemy behavior, later hours are spent trying to master each area in order to gain the maximum distance & kill count possible. This will serve as a helpful survival guide for those who are looking for beginner advice, intermediate insight or late game overview.

There are three major parts of the game, and each area in the guide will have an overview then go into strategies for each major section.
Preloop (L0) is where any run starts, the goal is to reach the Nuclear Throne. Enemy density may be sparse, but needing to level up and continually search for better weapons makes it a noteworthy challenge.
Looping (L1-L2) is where the game starts to go off the rails. While the player will be fully leveled up and start finding high tier weapons, enemy density scales up rapidly as the I.D.P.D. becomes an absolutely oppressive force that can get the best of even experienced players at times.
Deeplooping is used to describe later loops, and for the purpose of this guide is L3+ but is generally referred to L6+ within the meta community. Loop 3 is where the last new enemy is introduced and is the last unique loop. Past this, the goal is to use meta to push the game and the players own abilities to its absolute limits. While there are game breaking builds, specific bosses will scale in ways that make them incredibly dangerous with every increasing loop.
Gameplay is progressing through 3 levels of a larger area in which a boss must be defeated at the end, and then a transitional area must be transversed with just one level in order to get to the next big area. In loop specifically, transitional areas also include a boss in each. This means in preloop there are a total of 4 bosses across 7 areas with a total of 15 levels, meanwhile loop has a total of 8 bosses across 8 areas with a total of 16 levels, with one additional secret boss for the true ending.

With that, this guide will be split into sections for each individual area. The first guide will be for general survival and is recommended to be read first, meanwhile every individual area can be read separately in any order that befits the reader.