Save File Modifications

Save files can be edited to modify unlocks. These unlocks include characters, their B-skins, crowns, and unlockable(golden) starter weapons. This guide is meant for those who have lost their save file and wants to quickly re-unlock everything, however it can be used to skip the grind on unlocking certain things if so desired.

Before any files are modified the first step is to ALWAYS back up your save. This way, any accident can easily be undone. In order to access your save files from Windows, hit Win+R to open the run prompt and type in %localappdata% and hit enter. From here navigate to the folder labeled nuclearthrone. This will include a file called 'nuclearthrone.sav', make a copy of this somewhere safe.

There are three methods to modify your save data, of which two utilize Nuclear Throne Together(NTT).

The first and easiest method is to generate a modified save file using Saniblue's editor via NTT. This has a straightforward UI to select desired unlocks and will generate a save file to replace the original save file with. This will not modify the player's current save but rather be a new one - making this the quickest and most useful tool to those who have lost their save data and wants to create a new one. The mod includes a 'readme' file on how to successfully use the mod.

The second method is not necessarily recommended, but can be done if one wishes to transfer data inbetween NT and NTT. Using the command "/loadgame nuclearthrone.sav" without quotations will load your NT save file into NTT. Inversely, running the command "/savegame nuclearthrone.sav" will overwrite your NT save with the new data from NTT. Any unlocks that exist in base game can be transferred between versions using this method.

The final method is the traditional way which is by directly accessing the save file and manually editing the values. If on Steam cloud saving must be disabled for this to save successfully, in order to do this right click Nuclear Throne in the Steam library and select 'Properties', then toggle the Steam Cloud slider option to off.
Following the instructions above, locate the nuclearthrone.sav file and open it using any text editor. The section below lists all the values that should be focused on changing. Make sure that Nuclear Throne is closed out before saving, otherwise it will overwrite the save file. Once the file is saved the game can be launched again with the modified save data, and Steam cloud can now be re-enabled.

Save File Values

The save file will appear as an entire wall of text that isn't clearly categorized at first glance, but it's simple. The majority of the data is 'stats' which includes all the characters unlock data and every single thing that appears on their stats screen. Near the bottom is 'options' which is every piece of data that appears in the settings screen. This guide will only focus on the practical parts of save editing(unlocks) with the rest added at a later date.

The majority of the data is character unlocks which is stored as "charData_[ID]" where ID refers to specific mutants numbering. This is followed by curly brackets which include all the stats & unlocks for that specific character, where the unlocks is the focus here.

Below is a table of each of the mutant's respective IDs. In the save file ctrl+f can be used to search, simply copy the ID and paste it to quickly jump to the desired mutant to edit.
The values tied to unlock characters is 'cgot' for the character unlock, and 'cbgt' is for their B-skin unlock. Setting it to '0' indicates it is locked, and setting it to '1' indicates unlocked. The decimal points can be ignored in all instances of this guide.

Normal Characters

"charData_1" Fish "charData_2" Crystal
"charData_3" Eyes "charData_4" Melting
"charData_5" Plant "charData_6" Y.V.
"charData_7" Steroids "charData_8" Robot
"charData_9" Chicken "charData_10" Rebel
"charData_11" Horror "charData_12" Rogue

Secret Characters

"charData_13" Big Dog "charData_14" Skeleton
"charData_15" Frog "charData_16" Cuz (Unused)

Secret Characters can largely be ignored here. However for those interested;

As for weapon editing, only the golden starter can be modified which is listed as 'cgld'. The primary starter is listed as 'cwep' and will always default to the correct starter even if a different value is listed. (Sometimes the cgld and cwep may be swapped in values, just ignore this and edit cgld regardless of what the values are listed as.)

There is a single value 'protowep' at the near end of the document for the proto chest weapon. A full list of weapons can be found here(link later)

The following table is a list of all 16 golden weapons that are unlocks for any character. While any weapon can technically be used as a starter in the 'cgld' spot using the link above, these are the ones that are intended:

Common Golden Weapons

40 Golden Wrench 41 Golden Machinegun
42 Golden Shotgun 43 Golden Crossbow
44 Golden Grenade Launcher 45 Golden Laser Pistol
98 Golden Plasma Gun 99 Golden Slugger
100 Golden Splinter Gun 101 Golden Screwdriver
102 Golden Bazooka 103 Golden Assault Rifle

Special Golden Weapons

122 Golden Nuke Launcher 123 Golden Disc Gun
39 Golden Revolver 127
Golden Frog Pistol

*Golden Frog Pistol used to be listed as ID 201 in older versions as a hidden weapon, but has been moved down to 127 so all weapons are correctly listed together. While 201 can still work, 127 is the intended value and should be used.

As for crowns there is a range under 'crowns' that has 14 values within brackets for each individual character. A value of '0' means that it is locked and a value of '1' means that it is unlocked. The first two values should normally be kept to '0'. There are no direct indicators for which crown is which in the file, simply count in the order of values to find the desired crown:

1st ValueRandom
2st ValueBare Head
3st ValueCrown of Death
4st ValueCrown of Life
5st ValueCrown of Haste
6st ValueCrown of Guns
7st ValueCrown of Hatred
8st ValueCrown of Blood
9st ValueCrown of Destiny
10st ValueCrown of Love
11st ValueCrown of Luck
12st ValueCrown of Curses
13st ValueCrown of Risk
14st ValueCrown of Protection

Some other lists may put crowns in a different order. Crowns were changed a lot near the end of NT's development cycle, so their order have changed a few times.

Random crown option was a previously used function to start a run with a random crown but has since been removed. However it can still be ran in vanilla NT, while unintended and buggy. In order to do so, change the first value in the crown brackets to '1' instead of '0', as well as the 3rd-14th values. Keep the second value to '0', this is the Bare Head option and it randomly being selected can cause the game to crash. Then locate the 'startcrown' and change its value to '0', as Random is the 0th crown. On the character select screen it will now display the Bare Head sprite, but will actually be random, and will pull from the pool of 12 crowns upon starting/resetting a run.

At the end of the document after character data is where options are listed, which can mostly be ignored. As mentioned above the 'protowep' can be used for what appears in the proto chest, meanwhile 'hardgot' is a toggle for if hardmode is unlocked ('0' as locked, '1' as unlocked).