Mutations Intro
A normal run will consist of 8 mutations, though a 9th can be gained through Crown of Destiny. Each meta mutation while not vital on its own to a successful run, each addition to a build can be seen as giving further odds to succeed while never guaranteeing it.
A set with meta mutations will be referred to as a 'Perfect X', where X is the number of mutations that are optimal. This is commonly used for a P7, P8 and a P9 to signify how good a mutation build is. The best possible set will be a perfect 9 and the further a run goes, the more necessary it may become. However for early meta loops a perfect 7 is perfectly servicable.
The setup page briefs over the methods of obtaining mutations. This guide will focus on the mutations themselves.
Meta Mutations
The Core 4 | Part of P7 | Damage Muts | Healing Muts | Situational Meta | |||||||||
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Core 4 are the mutations considered the most essential to have a run work in deeploop and usually have the highest priority for most characters sets. Runs lacking any of these mutations may be particularly more difficult.
Strong Spirit
Makes the game far more forgiving by avoiding one lethal hit per level. There are a few damage sources (commonly IDPD explosions and Vans) that are capable of instantly killing the player so this is particularly useful in making it so there is always room for some error.
Trigger Fingers
Super Plasma Cannon has a reload time of 8.67 seconds, so Trigger Fingers is necessary in order to make this weapon meta viable. SPC is capable of getting a vast amount of kills in a single shot meaning that any crowded area can be cleared with ease.
Long Arms
Greatly benefits using the Ultra Shovel as range is increased to give far more coverage to use both offensively and defensively.
Rhino Skin
As the player is only ever a few hits away from death a +4 boost to max HP makes lethal encounters less common.
Going from 8 HP to 12 HP reduces the pool of insta-kill potential as well, 10 HP damage sources commonly including normal explosions (not IDPD), Mom's contact damage or Big Bandit's charge attack.
Crystal sets commonly skip Rhino Skin in favor of another mutation as she gets +6 max HP from Fortress.
Perfect 7 mutations are more the baseline of a 'functional' set in deeploop. These all particularly make deeploop survival a lot easier.
Plutonium Hunger
Increased pickup range makes the player need to exert less focus on getting pickups, just needing to walk in the general direction of them. Better survivability with health drops, more frequent SPC shots with ammo drops, and eaiser to stay at full rads for Ultra Shovel.
Some sets as Eyes will pass up on Plutonium Hunger, particularly for Thronebutt. This is up to player preferece.
The closer the player is at to dying, the better they can defend themselves with Ultra Shovel. Infrequently there can be too many bullets to perfectly be avoided with Ultra Shovel's base swing time making it a clutch mutation.
YV sets commonly skip Stress in favor of other mutations such as Back Muscle or Rabbit Paw as he gets a high reload speed from Imma Gun God.
Damage mutations where one can be picked for a p7, or both can be picked for a p8. If only one has to be picked Scarier Face is the more popular option and is more recommended to anyone learning deeplooping.
Scarier Face
20% off of all enemy health makes both weapons more effective at killing. Particularly useful in making Popo Freaks take only one Ultra Shovel swing in L3-L5, though is useful across the entire run.
Laser Brain
Helps make the SPC deal even more damage taking down bosses much more swiftly and trivializing tanky enemies. (Add specific numbers later?)
Healing mutations where one is picked in order to make either a p8 or a p9. Bloodlust has always been the more popular pick, but Rabbit Paw saw recent popularity for helping speed up runs.
Passively helps keep HP levels higher throughout the level. Particularly useful if Strong Spirit is dropped to help regain HP in a manner that requires less risk taking.
Rabbit Paw
Allows the SPC to be spammed much more frequently with a general boost to health drops. However due to the max ammo of 55 increased ammo drops may not be utilized as well, meaning it particularly suits sets with Back Muscle and/or YV.
Situation mutations can be suitable 9th mutations but are not meta defining as much as the mutations above, each has their own niche.
Back Muscle
Allows for multiple extra SPC shots which generally makes ammo drops used more efficiently. The extra shots are particularly useful in the Throne 2 fight.
Most commonly used as a 9th mutation as Crystal or YV as they can drop Rhino and Stress respectively.
Second Stomach
Twice the health from HP drops makes Second Stomach still really helpful, but falls short of the other healing mutations in effectiveness.
Most commonly used as a 9th mutation for Crystal as she has particularly high health making the mutation more effective. Sometimes seen in Rebel sets as it directly translates into more ally spawning potential.
Boiling Veins
Reduces the amount explosions can damage a player and makes them invulnerable at 4 HP and below. Due to how common explosions are this is always helpful in a run especially to newer players to meta, but not necessary to survive in deeploop. Particularly more useful in u99r1 (Non-Beta) due to the frequency of chain explosions, which are largely less common in beta versions.
Rogue's blast armor commonly sets off explosions especially with Super Blast Armor so is commonly a part of her p9 set, usually swapping out Brain or Bloodlust.
Heavily depends on character and is explored thoroughly on each characters' page. A rough consensus within meta is as follows:
- Positives:
- Skeleton: A part of his meta set.
- Plant and Eyes: May not be the most optimal p9, but is still very effective.
- Rebel and Melting: Not good enough to be considered in their p9/p12, but still a strong positive to have.
- Neutrals:
- Robot and Rogue: Marginally useful in a meta run but mostly a waste of a mutation slot.
- Steroids: Has no use while running Ultra Shovel and completely wastes a mutation slot.
- Drawbacks:
- YV: Mostly unnecessary and can be a waste of ammo, also requiring Muscle just in order to use SPC at all.
- Fish and Crystal: Waste of a mutation slot in meta and can cause mistakes if not accustomed to the changed actives.
- Horror: Easily the worst within meta as it drains rads otherwise used for Ultra Shovel all for a few health points.
- (Decide on Chicken & Frog later)
Non-Meta Mutations
Mid Viaibility | Low Viability | Marginal Gains | Situational Drawbacks | The Worst | ||||||||
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Mid Viability mutations just fall short to be considered in any p9 set, but still have noticable upsides that help a run.
Lucky Shot
Every successful proc only has a 1 in 5 chance of granting energy ammo as its random making it a less reliable source of ammunition making it fall short of a p9, but still outright useful to any run.
Allows for better reaction time to enemy bullets which can reduce how frequent damage is taken, however expedites the issues with lag in deeploop the further the run goes.
Low Viability mutations are still beneficial to take in a meta run but are far more situational in their usefulness.
Gamma Guts
Due to the nature of meta there are less frequent situations where contact damage can come in handy due to enemy projectile spam.
Rare situations can harm the player if a Sniper gets iframed and the player ends up killing them directly with gamma guts, so be mindful.
Only allows for a limited amount of wall breaking while SPC is great at quickly digging into walls making this mutation easily overlooked, but can come in clutch on rare moments of being trapped in a bad Van spawn without any energy ammo to dig.
Bolt Marrow
Most of the run relies on Ultra Shovel and SPC making other weapon mutations not very useful, however Bolt Marrow is slightly above the others as bolt weapons are commonly picked up temporarily during boss fights (particularly against Mom) making it situationally helpful for any time a bolt weapon happens to drop.
Marginal Gains are mutations that can help the run in very narrow ways.
Heavy Heart
The issue of taking Heavy Heart is it requires 3 weapon mutations just to get it to appear meaning a set will already be limited by its inclusion. The mutations effect itself makes weapon drops over twice as common from enemies that can drop weapons, which means that energy weapons that give an ammo boost will be somewhat more frequent.
Open Mind
Gives one extra chest a level which at best can be a normal ammo chest to gain one extra SPC shot making the mutation fairly useless overall.
Recycle Gland
Similarly useless as a weapon mutation when melee and energy are being used, there are rare times that a bullet weapon could be used in a run and this just extends its usage by a bit.
Shotgun Shoulders
Similarly useless as a weapon mutation as there will hardly be situations that warrants using shell weapons that can also benefit from bouncing far.
Situational Drawbacks can commonly cause situations where the player gets harmed which can make them a detriment to the set.
Extra Feet
Motor memory can judge how to stay a safe distance from the player and nearby hazards such as exploding enemies, however the extra speed can effect this causing unintentional damage to be taken. This can also effect walking on cobwebs not being adjusted to simply walking over them.
This only situationally effects the player, if accustomed to playing with the extra speed then this mutation can be considered to be a low viability mutation.
Sharp Teeth
Can cause enemy iframes which can turn around and hurt the player, and otherwise only provides a slight increase to damage.
Impact Wrists
Can cause enemy iframes which can turn around and hurt the player, and otherwise does not provide a significant bonus to damage.
The Worst actively hurts meta runs and should never be taken within the context of running Ultra Shovel and SPC.
Eagle Eyes
The spread from Ultra Shovel is effected making the swings much more tight losing the benefit of wide coverage, severely limiting how viable the weapon is at defense.
Due to Steroids inaccuracy debuff the improvement from Eagle Eyes can fit into his meta, while not perfect for Ultra Shovel.