Crown of Blood
Area Loop Vaults
Pro: More Enemies
Con: Fewer Rads



This guide will focus on the usage of CoBlood for loop play and weeklies. However, it is a vital part of meta that is explained in full on the meta guide. (link later)

While at face value 'more enemies' sounds like a downside, it directly can work to the players benefit. There are two reasons for this;
1. Level sizes remain the same, so the extra enemies are just more squished together. This makes any weapon that can damage multiple enemies at once more effective, and high-damage weapons that are usually overkill can round out more kills per shot as enemies are far more clustered together.
2. More enemies means more pickups - only rad drops are effected by CoBlood which is negligible given the extra enemies.

With these two factors in mind many weapons and builds become more viable. One of the core mutations will always be Trigger Fingers to best utilize any high reload weapon. This basically creates a feedback loop - CoBlood spawns more enemies, and more enemies killed at a time procs Trigs even quicker, which then allows for the weapon to be fired again even sooner at more enemies. All the while the extra enemies are dropping extra pickups to fuel these shots.

Weeklies with CoBlood start are notably difficult as preloop can have very high enemy spawns while running subpar weapons/mutations. One of the biggest factors here can be the starting loadout, as bad weapons will cause any new run to go at a snails pace while any good weapon can let the player fly through the earlier areas.
(If just trying to unlock the crown in preloop for the weekly challenge, a good combination can be Gamma Guts + Scarier Face to take care of most enemies that do melee damage as they can swarm the player.

Character/mutation notes: