Crown of Luck
Area: Loop Vaults
Pro: Chance Enemies Have 1 HP
Con: Start Areas At 1 HP


Strategy Guide

Crown of Luck always puts the player in a vulnerable position at the start of every new level, but the trade-off can be more than worth it with the correct build. Bloodlust will be a key mutation to any build here as it can quickly build HP back up while minimizing risk.

During preloop such as with weekly starts, Luck will be the most challenging as every level start functions as a no hit. Clearing levels more methodically and exercising constant caution is suggested until suitable mutations and weapons are found; any long ranged weapons for offense or melee for defense will be very useful for this. Many enemies in early areas are low HP anyways, so the benefit of Luck will not really shine until loop comes into play. Particular roadblocks in preloop at 1 HP would be Lil Hunter, Palace spawns with IDPD, and the Throne fight.

In loop gameplay, similar strategies will apply around spawns - slow methodical clearing until it's safe enough to start push again. The actual benefit to Luck is more of a passive boost generally as there is no signifier on which enemies have low HP. If wanting to lean into Luck's upside however, any weapon that has good crowd control (like Super Flak or Plasma Cannon) or has wide area coverage (like Double Minigun or Dragon) can work very well with thinning out the effected enemies quickly so the player can prioritize uneffected enemies much more efficiently.

Vans are particularly dangerous to runs as they have the chance to spawn in at 1 HP. As these are on the IDPD team, any stray player or enemy projectile could instantly detonate them. Other risks to watch out for in loop are dangerous starts - Caves, Palace and Campfire generally have the highest risks of being spawnkilled.

For meta play (loops 3+), Luck is arguably the next best crown to choose after Blood. The downside of Luck can largely be overlooked by this point of the game as an optimal build can very easily rebuild HP, with SPC's crowd clearing and ushov's defense. These also plays really well into Luck's upside, as the sheer volume of projectiles from SPC spam are extremely likely to kill any 1 HP enemies before even being visible to the player. As bosses are not effected, vanilla strategies largely apply here.

Character/Mutation Notes: