Crown of Risk
Area: Preloop Vaults
Pro: More drops when at Full HP
Con: Less drops when not


Strategy Guide

Crown of Risk's core gameplay is having higher DPS potential while at max HP, while at low HP having lower DPS potential and making regaining health more difficult. Compared to other preloop crowns this puts Risk in the middle of the road - not worth taking, but not completely unusable.

The most important mutation to take here is Bloodlust as it is not effected by the crown, making returning to max health incredibly easy. Any run using Crown of Risk without this mutation will struggle to regain max HP.

The main strategy for preloop and loop is to try to select a primary weapon that can help the player avoid taking damage (like melee) and a secondary weapon that has a high ammo consumption to fully take advantage of the excess ammo drops. This especially goes for starting new levels, weapons can be fired more recklessly as while at max HP regaining to full ammo is almost guaranteed.

An additional strategy could be to try to run dual weapons that use the same ammo type, such as dual energy Energy Sword + Plasma Cannon, as all ammo drops convert to energy if not at max. Both weapons can be used with wild abandon in order to dish out high damage while protecting against projectiles.

For meta runs (Loop 3+), Risk can boost SPC damage output in similar ways to playing Fish or running Rabbit Paw, and Bloodlust procs are frequent enough that full HP is common to stay at. In other words these runs play fairly vanilla, besides maybe leaning more into mutations like Back Muscle to allow for more weapon shots.

Character/Mutation Notes: