Crown of Destiny
Area Preloop
Pro: Free Mutation
Con: Narrow Future


Upon taking a crown, 1 free mutation will be granted.
- This brings the max mutations from 8 to 9 total, or 12 with Melting's Detachment.
- On Non-Beta, the given mutation granted will be the first most mutation of the last set seen.
- On Beta, the given mutation granted will always be a random one.
- Subsequent level ups on either version will give the first mutation from consecutive sets. In vanilla, this is effectively random.
- On Daily runs the mutations given can be predicted using information from other players runs. See the daily guide here. (Link later)
- Last Wish will not appear while running the crown, however patience can. The exception to this is Horror, who can gain LW from destiny.

Any level up will only grant 1 mutation instead of the normal 4 while running the crown.
- If the crown is taken off, the extra mutation is kept, but the narrow future debuff is removed.
- Leveling up in vault when taking crown of destiny off will erase the next set.
- Ultras will also be confined to 1 choice if running the crown while hitting ultra.
- These ultras will always be random, but can be subject to set manipulation in dailies/weeklies. (Link later)
- Horror will always be granted 2 mutations instead of 1, which includes his ultra pool.


Note the characters it hurts/helps the most, useful mutations, general strategies.